Fall/Winter Weather Resources
As the Fall season begins we hope to support partners in weather preparedness efforts.
IV Saline Solution Shortage

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MGT-347 ICS Forms Review
July 10, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
FreeCourse Description:
The ICS Forms Review course is a 4.5-hour workshop that provides emergency response supervisors and mid- to upper-level managers with a detailed introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS) forms used in the development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) and/or Coordination Action Plan (CAP). Participants will examine the primary forms used in an IAP/CAP, as well as supporting and other utility forms.
In addition, participants will review the planning process and where, within that process, the forms are filled out and by whom. The workshop includes a practical application designed to instruct participants in the development of Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-based (SMART) control and management objectives.
Course Topics:
- Incident Action Plan Forms (ICS 201 – 207)
- Writing SMART objectives activity
- Utility Forms (ICS 211, 213, 213 RR [USCG], and 214)
- Incident Action Plan Support Forms (ICS 215, 215A 233)
- ICS Forms and Planning Process
- IS-100 (any version)
- IS-200
- IS-700 (any version)
To complete the FEMA Indepent Study courses, please go to:
Target Audience:
Participants should come from middle and senior management. This means emergency response managers, first-line supervisors, and administrators who will function as Incident Commanders (IC), Unified Command (UC) staff members, Emergency Management Coordinators, command and general staff members, or EOC staff members.
Course Manager:
Stephanie M. Hakala, State Training Coordinator, Washington EMD | Phone: 253-512-7046 | emd.training@mil.wa.gov
Local POC:
Jessica Guidry, Kitsap Public Health District | jessica.guidry@kitsappublichealth.org
Registration information can be found here.