Fall/Winter Weather Resources
As the Fall season begins we hope to support partners in weather preparedness efforts.
IV Saline Solution Shortage

- This event has passed.
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (G0300)
April 24, 2018 - April 25, 2018
Course Description
Intermediate ICS provides training on and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses. Course objectives:
- Describe how the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Command and Management
component supports the management of expanding incidents. - Describe the Incident/Event Management process for supervisors and expanding incidents as
prescribed by the Incident Command System (ICS). - Implement the Incident Management process on a simulated Type 3 incident.
Target Audience
Federal, state, tribal, and local emergency management and response personnel who require ICS
300 training within their organizations. Typically, required personnel include all mid-level or senior
management who will be involved in or supporting the response.
• IS-100.b Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS)
• IS-200.b ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
• IS-700.a National Incident Management System
• IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction
To Apply, Contact:
Jerry Koenig | Seattle City Light | 206-684-3095 | jerry.Koenig@seattle.gov
Be prepared to provide name, organization, phone, email, FEMA SID#, and copies of prerequisite course completion certificates. Note: Class size limited; preference given to City of Seattle employees.